Таблица сравнения товаров

Таблица сравнения товаров

Regular price $8.00

Popular questions

If you have not found answers to your questions, ask us personally.

After purchasing the section, will you install it in my store?

Yes! When placing an order, you need to enter the address of your store. After purchasing the section, our specialist will send you a request for access to the store admin panel. As soon as you provide access, we will add the purchased section within 24 hours.

By default, the section will be added to the copy of your store's published theme that we created. This way, you can customize the section before publishing it. If you would like to add the purchased section to another store theme, please let us know in the order comment .

On which pages can I use Custom sections?

If your store theme supportsOnline Store 2.0 features, you will be able to use the Custom Section on any page of your online store.

Otherwise, you will be able to freely add and remove Custom Sections only on the Main Page. If, at the same time, you need to add a Custom Section to other pages of your store, write about it in the comment to the order, we will add the section to the code of your theme on the necessary pages.

If I don't like the section, can I get my money back?

Yes, of course! If you decide to stop using the Custom Shopify Section within the first three days, we will refund your purchase price.

What to do if the Shopify section stops working?

We provide a lifetime guarantee for the operation of our sections. You can contact us at any time with a request to correct errors in the operation of the section.

Can you customize the Custom Section for me?

Yes! We carry out additional customization of sections for individual requests.

We carry out minor modifications free of charge, and we will tell you the cost of larger ones after a preliminary assessment of the work. on their implementation.

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